Monday, August 8, 2016

Trip to Sandhamn ③

Next morning we had buffet breakfast at the hotel!!

I love buffet but it's very dangerous...of course, I ate soooo much.  More than enough ;p

次の日の朝は 朝食バイキング(≧∇≦)


After eating too much, we needed some exercise!!

We took a walk to the beach before we left Sandhamn!

Somehow Kaiya loves the feeling on this soft sand by the beach.

She got soooo excited!!!!

朝食を食べ過ぎた後は 帰る前にビーチへお散歩〜!

どうやら Kaiyaさんはサラサラ砂の感触が好きみたいで ビーチに来ると大はしゃぎ!(笑)

Kaiya was drinking sea water so I tired if it was too salty for her.  It actually wasn't salty like I had in mind.  I guess baltic seas's salinity is much lower than other places.
Kaiyaさんがちゃっかり海の水を飲んでたので 私も舐めてみたら しょっぱくない!!どうりでKaiyaさん飲めるはずだ。他の海よりバルト海の水の塩分は控えめなのね(^_^)

Time to go home now!
It was such a nice trip.  Hope we can come back here next year too :))

ビーチへのお散歩終えて 帰路へ!



  1. マミー 来年も来る約束だよ~ Kaiya~!!

    1. 約束は出来んが 努力しよう!(笑) Kaiya〜!!
