Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kaiya scared the hell out of Daddy :p

It was above 0 degrees yesterday and raining.

The snow was melting from the rainfalls.

And back to below 0 again today...and the snow again....

Snowing started around noon and has't stopped yet.

Well, everything is back covered in white.

My working hours went back to the earlier time since yesterday.

We...or only I since Kaiya wakes up always around the same time...have been 

getting up early and taking the morning walk early.

We were at the dog park near our apartment but no one was there.

It was a quiet and calm morning walk.

昨日はプラス温度で 雨が降っていたから だいぶ雪が解けた

と思ったら 今日はまたマイナスで 昼くらいからずっと雪が降って


昨日から通常の出勤時間に戻ったから いつもより早起き&早散歩

今朝は ドッグラン行ったけど 誰にも会わなかったから ゆったりお散歩

I was thinking for a short night walk but we were out for about one hour eventually.

It was about time daddy was on the way home so we waited at the station to surprise him!

He was wearing a headphone and had no idea we were behind him.

Kaiya scared the hell outta him as she poked him!  lol

夜散歩は 1時間くらいしたかなぁ

ダディが帰ってくる時間を見計らって駅に行って サプライズ!



These two chilling on the bed as soon as we got home :)

散歩から帰ってきてから ベッドの上でゴロゴロ〜

ってか Kaiyaめっちゃカメラ目線だけどねww


  1. マミーの目線が怖いから じっとしているだけだよ Kaiya~!!

    1. なんでやねん! 怖くないし! Kaiya〜!!
